Kol Nederai - Israel

Choreographed by Shmulik Gov-Ari - 1988

Open Circle Dance, arms in V-Position. Meter 2/4

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-2 Facing center, step on R foot to R (1), step on L foot across R foot (2).
2 1-2 Step on R foot to R, starting 1/2 turn to R (1), continue 1/2 turn (&), finish 1/2 turn (2).
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2, with opposite footwork and in opposite direction (1/2 turn is to L).
5 1-2 {Yemenite step} Step on R foot to R (1), step slightly back on L foot (&), step on R foot across L foot (2), hold (&).
6 Repeat measures 5 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
7 1-2 Step forward on R foot (1), step in place on L foot (2).
8-14 Repeat measures 1-7.
15 1 Step back on R foot (1), step in place on L foot (&). Note: There is only one beat in this measure.
Part II
1 1-2 Facing center, step on R foot directly in front of L foot (1), step on L foot directly in front of R foot (2).
2 1-2 Step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot (&), step forward on R foot (2).
3 1-2 Step back on L foot (1), step back on L foot (2).
4 Repeat measure 2 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
5 1-2 Step on R foot to R (1), Step on L foot across R foot (2).
6 1-2 Step on R foot in place (1), step on L foot to L (&), step on R foot across L foot (2).
7 1-2 Step on L foot in place (1), step on R foot to start backward turn over L shoulder (2).
8 1-2 Step on L foot to continue turn (1), step on R foot to continue turn (&), step on L foot to finsish turn (2).
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8.

Dance is done three times. At the end of the third time, Part II, measures 1-8 are repeated once more to finish.